Monday, August 30, 2010

Class 8-30-10

Today's class was one of the most interesting trips I think I've ever been on. I didn't even know half that stuff existed in the IT building, and I'd only heared stories about the Cave. That was probably my favorite part: the Cave. When I was controlling it in the wine cellar it was like being in a freaking wine cellar! You look down and you're standing next to a table with wine and such on it, and visually it's like there's actually a table there right next to you (if that made any sense at all).

The Cave gave me an idea for a project I may want to work on eventually. I did a script for a simple dragon killing game for another class, and I think it would be awesome to see it turned into virtual reality.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Assignment 1: The Egg and the Eye

Before I say this, I will remind you that I didn't take an egg from class because I didn't know how I'd get it home. That said, I found my own egg, and I ate it.

The reason I think this is worthy of the assignment: I haven't really been fond of them since I was young, but I decided that this assignment was the perfect opportunity to try them out again. 

I had it scrambled. It was...pretty good, actually. Not as bad as I remember. Maybe I'll have to add egg to my normal diet now.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Class: Impressions

Well, today we had our first session for Seeing Sideways. I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised by what happened. I didn't know what to expect going in, other than a bit of a fun time, and what we got has me excited for the coming semester. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a little more creative by the time this is over; as I said, one of my biggest creative problems is my tendency to rehash things that I see, and I really want to correct it. I enjoyed the whole "go into the hall without leaving your chairs" thing; if anything, I took it as a sign as to the attitude this class will have, and now I'm really excited for the next session.